Why Calcium is Important in Pregnancy

Why Calcium is Important in pregnancy

Calcium plays very important role in pregnancy. It helps build bones as well as muscles and helps to send message from nerve to brain in baby. There are many more benefits of calcium below – 

Bone, Muscles and teeth development

Calcium is crucial for the development of baby’s bone, muscles and teeth. During pregnancy baby require significant amount of calcium in third trimester when bone development is its peak.

Prevention of bone loss in mother

During pregnancy if mother doesn’t consume enough calcium, the baby will draw calcium from mother’s body. This can result in weakness and bone loss in mother. Which result in osteoporosis in mother.

Muscles and heart functions-

Calcium keep baby’s heart, muscles and Neuro system function correctly. It also ensure during pregnancy mother’s circulatory, muscular and nervous system function properly.

Reduced risk for Hyper-Tension

Proper calcium during pregnancy reduced the risk of Hyper-tension. Hypertension during pregnancy can cause Preeclampsia which is serious complication.

Support for Blood-clotting

Calcium play very important role in blood clotting in case of excessive bleeding

Calcium rich diet -

  • Dairy Products: Milk, yogurt, and cheese are excellent sources of easily absorbed calcium.

  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and broccoli are great plant-based options.

  • Fortified Foods: Calcium-fortified orange juice, cereals, and plant-based milk alternatives.

  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds and chia seeds are rich in calcium.

  • Fish: Canned salmon and sardines (with bones) are excellent sources.

  • Tofu and Soy Products: Fortified tofu and soybeans provide good calcium levels.

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